Divine Inspiration

10 Aug

I struggled for a while as to what the difference was between channeling information and listening to intuition.  I thought that perhaps some of my writing was being channeled.  I often end up in a state in which I feel as though words are flowing through me rather than from me.  I feel as though ideas end up on the page that I have never thought about before.  Through research and feedback from others it seemed that this was maybe a form of channeling – but from whom?  And why was this happening to me?  Did it make me special?  Though I believed it was in the realm of possibilities for others, I didn’t think that I could possibly be receiving information from some entity not of this world.  For lack of a better word, I started to think of myself as channeling – but only behind closed doors!

Expansive UniverseI went to a talk on intuition and it felt as though what I experience in my writing and decision making processes were potentially a form of intuition.  That maybe my energy and senses were picking up on something that I was not aware of on a conscious level.  That my subconscious was talking to me.  Sometimes I awaken with a thought firmly planted in my mind.  I have a knowing that feels different from my other thoughts.  I have a sense of what I must do.  Perhaps that is intuition and I have a strong claircognizance or “clear knowing” ability.  That too seemed fathomable.  Again, why me?  What is this about?  Does this make me somehow different or special?  I don’t feel different or special – I just sometimes have clarity about things.

Today I came to understand that what I experience is both channeling and intuition, or neither, and it is not the label that is important.  Channeling implies that the information is from “other” but there is only one.  Intuition implies that the information is coming from my mind but beyond my perception.  I now understand that what I receive is divine inspiration.  I receive guidance from my higher Self.  That higher Self is the Christ Consciousness that is the unified heart and mind.  The information I receive is coming from the one mind that we all share.  From that mind, the Holy Spirit is always calling.  The Holy Spirit, or the one Self, is calling to all of us all the time.  We are constantly provided divine guidance.

What is available to me is available to everyone.  You may receive that information differently than I do because the Holy Spirit will use a language that you can recognize, understand, and accept.  So perhaps you will see, hear, or sense things rather than know them.  I receive words on a page – perhaps you will receive the cure for cancer, a mathematical equation, a way to communicate compassionately, patience to parent your children, a way to blend spices that bring joy to diners – you will be guided to serve the greater good through your skills, abilities, and preferences.

You can receive divine inspiration to do great things – the Holy Spirit is calling you right now.  The caveat is that you have to be willing to accept divine inspiration.  You have to be willing to become still enough to receive the message.  You have to make the choice to embrace divine guidance in your life.  If you are willing to open that door, the possibilities are limitless.  Follow your divine inspiration.


2 Responses to “Divine Inspiration”

  1. Michael August 13, 2013 at 6:08 pm #

    I really enjoyed the process you shared of coming to this realization. We begin with the notion that we’re looking for something outside of ourselves, and then in the end, find it is right within us- or to say it another way, not separate from us after all. A difficult thing for me was, and sometimes still is, accepting “the way” that I came to know the presence of Truth within myself, because that “way”, it turns out, is unique to each of us (I think). We can’t know it quite like the next person, or come to it the same way, even though fundamentally we share an identity inside of that Truth. I think that is in itself quite beautiful, because it requires we each become a living, whole expression of truth. To come to know the Truth within ourselves, without being able to “cheat” and copy another, makes the realizations like the one you have shared that much more powerful and genuine. Michael

    • Stef Perkins August 13, 2013 at 6:23 pm #

      What a beautiful comment! So true – it is never out there because, ultimately, there is only one and everything is a reflection of the unified mind. I also think that we all come to it in our own way. It can be a struggle to accept the Truth within – is that ego or spirit talking? I find that the reflections of others help to clarify my own experience. So, thank you. We must walk this path together and I’m grateful to share with you. Blessings.

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